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MyLinE is different from other available online language learning resources in several aspects. The following are some of its distinctive features:
The learning resources are designed and developed specifically to facilitate learning for academic and professional purposes. The resources are useful not only to the users in Malaysia but also users in other countries where English is learned as a second or foreign language.
Lets try them out!
Lesson 1: Introduction to APA citation style
The instructional materials and activities include not only resources for learning English, such as input and exercises on grammar and language use, but also informative resources in English on various disciplines and professions, such as information on the career path of a specific profession. Thus, learners are encouraged to learn not just the language but also to construct knowledge using the language.
Lets try them out!
Unlike other language learning websites, the pattern of information presented in MyLinE contains input on a topic, exercises to reinforce understanding of the input and answers with explanation to provide feedback on students' performance. The provision of self-explanatory language feedback promotes learner autonomy which further improves users' level of English proficiency.
Lets try it out!
Resources are presented in a variety of media including text, audio and video, to tap on the different senses to cater for the different learning styles among students.
Lets try them out!
Lesson 6: How to reference websites
Lets try them out!
Practice tests
Practice tests
Guide to answer the questions
Practice on generating ideas
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- You should use English at all times. Posts that are in Bahasa Malaysia or other languages will be deleted.
- You should not be rude - e.g. calling other people names such as stupid, ignorant etc.
- You should not be vulgar - e.g. using the four letter word such as ****ing etc.
- You should not use religious references -
e.g. the Holy Quran, Hadith, Bhagavad Gita, Bible - or refer to any
religion in a negative or derogatory manner in an argument. Religion is a
sensitive issue for people and this forum is definitely NOT the place
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- You should not make racial comments / slur.