Topic outline

  • General


    Congratulations, you are now subscribed to ELSP@HELP! 
    This microsite offers online preparatory materials (resources, tests, exercises and activities) that are tailored for MUET test takers.
    Compulsory online tasks will be made available to help you improve your language proficiency.
    You may check your progress through the Award of Marks.

    You are also encouraged to do additional online quizzes that are housed in
    1. World of Challenges
    2. MUET microsites for the four skills

  • General information about MUET

    There are four components in MUET: 

    • Listening (800/1) - (45 marks)
    • Speaking (800/2) - (45 marks)
    • Reading (800/3) - (120 marks)
    • Writing (800/4) - (90 marks)
    The maximum scores for each component is 45 for Listening and Speaking, 120 for Reading Comprehension and 90 for Writing, with an aggregate score of 300. The scores are then graded in six bands, with Band 6 being the highest while Band 1 the lowest.

    Aggregated score



    Communicative ability


    Task performance

    260 - 300


    Highly proficient user

    Very fluent; highly appropriate use of language; hardly any grammatical error

    Very good understanding of language and context

    Very high ability to function in the language

    220 - 259


    Proficient user

    Fluent; appropriate use of language; few grammatical errors

    Good understanding of language and context

    High ability to function in the language

    180 - 219


    Satisfactory user

    Generally fluent; generally appropriate use of language; some grammatical errors

    Satisfactory understanding of language and context

    Satisfactory ability to function in the language

    140 - 179


    Modest user

    Fairly fluent; fairly appropriate use of language; many grammatical errors

    Fair understanding of language and context

    Fair ability to function in the language

    100 - 139


    Limited user

    Not fluent; inappropriate use of language; very frequent grammatical errors

    Limited understanding of language and context

    Limited ability to function in the language

    Below 100


    Very limited user

    Hardly able to use the language

    Very limited understanding of language and context

    Very limited ability to function in the language

    • Getting started